Increased scanning speed up to 0.5-0.9 second for the full range of 9kHz – 6 GHz
Wider selection of searching modes for different tasks: “All Signals”, “Mobile/GPS trackers”, “Wireless/ISM”, “Downlinks/Navigation” and “Custom”, as well as two additional modes for the inspection of suspicious bands or signals
The new “Level” panel provides an unprecedented level of situational awareness by allowing the operator to monitor the entire RF environment or to inspect a separate band or a separate signal
Quick adjustment of the table of bands to the local frequency allocation of GSM, 3G, 4G, 5G and convenient editing
Categorization of bands into “Mobile”, “Wireless”, “Mobile downlink”, “Navigation” and “Basic”. Basic bands represent the parts of spectrum with no other bands present
Automatic recognition of signals in all bands
Automatically restores connection with the device in case of accidental USB disconnection
New format of log files
Each separate Wi-Fi channel is displayed and can be inspected individually
The Bluetooth, Bluetooth LE and Bluetooth LE Advertising are displayed separately and can be studied individually.
Can scan and display not paired Bluetooth LE devices in addition to Wi-Fi access points
Detecting of RF jamming devices
Universal platform for controlling both Delta S and Delta X